How to Increase Your Energy – Naturally!

Eat a Healthy Diet

The food you put into your body can have a huge effect on your energy levels. When you eat processed foods for every meal or heavy greasy foods, your body is going to respond to that by making you feel fatigued.
Try to cut out these foods and replace them with an abundance of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds. The closer you can get to a plant-based diet, the more your body will love you.
Exercise Daily

When you incorporate daily exercise to your day, you will feel more alert and energized. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins that make you feel good. It may take a week to get into the groove but once you have it down, you will feel the difference.
Don’t try to push your body too much. When you push it to extreme limits, it wouldn’t be surprising if your body wants to crash by the end of it. A healthy balance of exercise and rest is the key to feeling the best!
Get Enough Sleep

Like so many other people, your day might be so busy that you are still getting things done right up until bedtime. It’s important that your body gets enough time to rest and reset. Try going to bed an hour or two earlier. Give your body that extra sleep that it craves. This way when you wake up in the morning, your body and mind will be ready to go and the need for that cup of coffee might even be wiped away! When your body has time to rest, it will reward you by having more energy throughout the day.
Reduce Stress

Do you lie awake at night thinking about everything you need to get done? When you are stressed out, your body seems to hold it in. This may lead to sore or tight muscles, not being able to sleep or a decrease in energy. It’s time to focus on YOU! Stop trying to please people and stop trying to do so much. You know how much you can handle so it’s time to stand up for your health and get rid of unnecessary stress from your life. Focus on the things that make you happy and put your energy into that.
Drink Water

Being dehydrated is one of the first things that lead to fatigue. Make sure you are drinking enough throughout the day and night. Your cells, organs, and body needs water to work properly. If you are lacking water, your cells won’t be working at their optimal level. If you find yourself having a hard time drinking the amount of water that your body needs, try to soak the fruit in it overnight to give it some extra flavor. Lemon, Orange, Mint, and cucumber are all great options!
Try Natural Supplements

Sometimes even all those things don’t give you the energy you need to feel your best. You might be going through life with an average amount of energy. Why not reach for the stars and get the energy back that you had in your thirties?
NAN offers a variety of Natural Supplements that can help your energy levels even more.
Read on for information on Natural Supplements that can increase your energy…
Selenex GSH

Selenex GSH was created with two main elements in mind- sulfur and selenium. Sulfur gets oxygen into our bodies while pushing out harmful cellular debris. Sulfur is essential for creating healthy new cells that give you robust health. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that fights illness by elevating glutathione. When you have increased health and nutrients that fight illness, you will feel a huge shift in your daily energy!

Hydroxinol keeps your cells clean and hydrated, keeping them alive and young for years! If you drink plenty of water and still don’t feel like it’s helping, Hydroxinol might be for you. Its formula helps fix, strengthen and nourish your cells. Your body will finally feel the hydration it craves, causing your body to feel more energized and happy.

Choose your favorite as it also comes in a strawberry lemonade flavor and lemon flavor.
Nitric Oxide Sanguenol

N-O Sanguenol was created to promote circulation. When your body is able to increase your blood flow, your organs will be able to get the nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood they need to work. Your body will be able to move more easily with comfort without getting tired! You will finally be able to do the things you love with this new energy you’ll experience with N-O Sanguenol.