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Do Optimists Live Longer?

Do Optimists Live Longer

Your health is dependent on a number of factors, such as diet, toxins, genetics, and lifestyle.

But what about the way you see the world…can a positive perspective of the world really benefit your health?

What is an Optimist?

An optimist is a person who sees the positive in situations and tends to be hopeful about the future.

They don’t dwell on their circumstances, believing they are stuck where they are at in life. Instead, they face their circumstances, and then continue with life. They believe they have a choice in their life and future. If they want something, they go after it. These are the “glass half full” kind-of-people.

There have been studies that have shown that optimists do in fact live longer.

Here’s why.

Because optimists think they can, should and will take action, they are more likely to ditch their old ways and incorporate new behaviors to create happiness. If a person is unhappy because of their health, they are more likely to change their behavior, creating the healthy life they want instead of thinking “well, this is the way it is.”

One study from the University of Illinois, found that people who were considered in the highest bracket of optimism, were more likely to have ideal heart health. In fact, “people who were the most optimistic were 50 and 76 percent more likely to have total health scores in the intermediate or ideal ranges, respectively”. This is a huge difference! This was because those individuals had on average a better diet, didn’t smoke, were more physically active, had lower BMI, and better blood sugar and cholesterol levels. All of these add up to better heart health and therefore potentially longer lives.

Another study done at the University of Pittsburgh showed that women in the post-menopausal age who demonstrated signs of optimism, had lower rates of coronary heart disease and lower mortality rates compared to those women who were considered pessimists. During hospitalization or other rough health patches, pessimists might think, “I stand no chance”, and therefore don’t try to get better. Those that have an optimistic and positive mindset, will face the health issue and make changes because they believe they have a say in what their future holds. When times get rough, they think, “How can I change this?”.

When we believe that positive things will come into our lives, our thoughts and actions lead to positive changes.

Optimists will attract their own betterment and increased their own well-being.

Optimists may live longer because of the associations made between positive thinking and overall well-being. They bring on their own good health and change their behaviors when they find themselves in unhealthy situations. The belief that they have control of their life is the major factor that leads optimists to live longer lives than pessimists.

If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts and feeling like you have no control in your life, try some exercises.

In the morning and/or at night, write down all that you are grateful for. Jot down all the positive things that had happened that day. Even come up with visions of what you want your life to be like in the future. Do you want your future to be filled with exercise, energy, healthy foods and better well-being? Be as specific as you can.

Over time, your mindset will start to change and you will start noticing the good things more frequently.

You will see how your thoughts affect your actions and your actions can determine your life.

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