How to Maintain Strong Bones

Most people reach peak bone mass around the time they turn 30. That means as we get older, it’s critical to maintaining that bone mass. It’s important to keep your bones healthy and strong so you can go about your daily activities without complications.
As we age, our bones may become weak and we don’t even know it. Fractures and falls might be the first signs of bone disease… which is a little too late. It’s difficult for some seniors to recover after such major surgeries like hip replacements, Due to its significance, bone health should be at the top of your priority list.
Here are 5 ways that you can maintain strong bones…
Strength Training Exercises
Exercise is extremely important to maintain good health and strong bones. One study review found that high intensity resistance training helped not only bone health, but also improved strength, balance, and muscle mass. By committing only 2 to 3 days a week, you can see the benefits of strength training ranging from prevention of bone density to age vitality. Studies have shown that it’s not unattainable to maintain your good bone health. There’s no need to spend hours a day, every single day working out. If you put aside 20-30 minutes a day, a couple days a week, you will see the health benefits and feel stronger. You’ll be able to be more independent and decrease your risk for fractures and falls.
Moderate Increase in Protein
As you get older, make sure you are consuming enough protein. Protein can help improve muscle mass and strength, which can benefit the skeleton. A moderate increase of protein in your diet is recommended for the aging population. You don’t want your entire meals to be protein, but making sure to incorporate a couple more protein packed ingredients would be beneficial. To help your overall well being, try getting your dietary protein from plant based sources like beans, lentils, chia seeds, chickpeas, and hemp seeds.
Healthy Balance of Alcohol Consumption
Consuming high amounts of alcohol has a handful of harmful effects on your health, such as promoting low bone density and increased risk of fractures. However, light alcohol consumption – about a drink a day – can have health benefits. We’ve heard time and time again that it’s all about balance, and one study is an example of that. It showed that light drinkers (2-3 times a week) had less hip fractures compared to non-drinker and heavy drinkers. In fact the non-drinkers and heavy drinkers had a 1.7 higher risk of osteoporosis.
Increase Your Fruit and Vegetable Intake
By now, we all know fruits and vegetables are good for our health. Here is yet another reason for making sure that you are consuming a diet rich in these two food groups. People who consume a high amount of fruits and vegetables have greater bone mineral density, and a lower risk of osteoporosis. A study performed in European countries demonstrated that a Mediterranean Diet, which is high in fruit and vegetables, decreased hip fracture incidence, whereas meat consumption increased it.
At an older age, it’s hard to know if you are getting enough of all the right nutrients needed to keep your bones healthy. Adding a natural supplement to your diet could be the one thing your body needs to keep it thriving. MK-7is the most beneficial form of vitamin K2. MK-7 takes dangerous calcium deposits out of the walls and tissues of your arteries and puts them into your bones, making them stronger.
Click here to lean more about MK-7.