The Dangers of Dehydration

Did you know our body is made up of 60% water? If we want our body to work the best it possibly can, then we need to ensure we are fueling it with enough water. We can’t expect to feel energized and great if our cells and organs are desperately craving H2O.
According to the Mayo Clinic, in the hot summer months, men need 15.5 cups and women need 11.5 cups of water. If you exercise, that amount easily increases. It might seem like a lot, because it is! However, that amount includes the fluids you get from the food you eat as well (such as watermelon, oranges, celery). When your body doesn’t get the fluid it requires, health issues can arise. Some may be more serious than others depending on the severity of dehydration.
Digestion Issues
A large portion of Americans have issues with constipation. Factors that cause this could be low amounts of fiber in your diet, and/or not consuming enough water. In older adults, those who had the lowest water intake reported twice the number of constipation episodes than those who consumed the most.
Be careful when you just increase your fiber intake to aid in digestion as well. There are plenty of foods that advertise themselves as having your recommended daily fiber amount within a small granola bar. However, when you eat these, make sure to drink loads of water with them. If you increase your fiber intake, make sure to increase your fluid consumption along with it or it could make constipation worse. Fiber paired with increased water intake can greatly enhance the effects of the fiber, which helps to increase stool frequency.
Intense Migraines
Not drinking enough water can cause headaches or prolonged migraines. With water deprived headaches, drinking a sufficient amount provided relief within 30 min to 3 hours. Scientists believe this is from intracranial dehydration and effects from decreased total plasma volume. Drinking an extra 1.5L of water was shown to reduce the severity and duration of headaches as well.
Instead of gulping down medication to relieve your headache, try gulping down a big glass (or two) of water. This simple trick might be the solution. To make sure to avoid future heachaches, try to intentionally drink more water as opposed to only when you are thirsty.
Increased Dehydration Risk As You Age
When you age, you might not experience thirst like you used to. One study showed the water intake of three different age groups of seniors. The youngest group (65-74) consumed the most water and the oldest group (85+) consumed the least. However, all groups consumed less than the recommended amount.
Certain medications or diseases may also increase your risk of dehydration as a side effect. Dehydration in the elderly is a huge concern. In certain situations, individuals have to be hospitalized for dehydration because of the severity of it. Instead of just drinking when you are thirsty, try to drink a glass of water before each meal, when you wake up, and also before going to bed. If you make this a habit, you’ll be less likely to see symptoms of dehydration.
Damaged Cells Lead to Dehydration
Water allows our cells to easily transfer the right amount of nutrients and electrolytes to the correct parts of the body. Sometimes the problem is not the amount of water we are consuming, but the amount our cells are able to absorb. Free radicals and toxins from our environment damage our cells, leaving the cell walls leaky and weak. Even if we drink plenty of water, our cells could still be dehydrated, which can cause cells to age faster.
If you are concerned about your cells not absorbing water like they should, Hydroxinol can help ease your mind. This natural supplement helps to build a stronger cell wall and better nourishes your cells.